Our Projects
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Our Projects


  1. Tanga Hub Port and Free Port

 The Tanga Hub Port (THP) is a planned Deep Sea-Hub Port located on the Indian Ocean, Tanga Region of Tanzania. It is designed to offer direct shipping to and from international shipment and transshipment ports across the world.

Most of the existing Ports in Africa such as Mombasa and Dar-es-Salaam Ports are shallow, low-capacity Feeder Ports that are incapable of hosting the largest container and bulk cargo ships. This lack of well-designed Hub Ports in Africa is one of the reasons for the extraordinarily high logistics costs in Africa.

THP is designed to accommodate 23,000 TEU-Container and 400,000DWT-Bulk Ships.


THP shall include the following:

  • 3-Berth Container Terminal (Phase-1)
  • Regasification Plant
  • Tanga Oil Refinery and Petrochemical City
  • Tanga Airport
  • Tanga Free Port
  • Fiscal Warehouse Center


  1. Trans-Africa Railways (Freight and Passengers).


The Trans-Africa Railways (TAR) is a high speed  cross-border  freight and passenger  railway system linking the new  hub port  at Tanga Region on the Indian Ocean through Uganda and Burundi to DRC on the Atlantic Ocean; with branch-lines to Burundi, Kenya, South Sudan-Ethiopia, CAR-Cameroon and Congo Brazzaville-Gabon

Along the TAR alignment shall be developed CATs (Corridor Anchor Towns) to stimulate, empower and integrate local economies into TRAVACO.

  1. Trans-Africa Gas Pipelines

Tanzania is endowed with 57.7 trillion cubic feet of Natural Gas proven reserves. The Trans-Africa Gas Pipelines (TAGP) is an onshore 48-inche cross-border gas pipeline to be co-located within the TAR corridor. TAG shall have an initial throughput of 9-million cubic meters , equivalent to 318-million cubic feet per year.

  1. Trans- Africa Broad-Band Fiber Optic (TRAVACO Fiber)

A high capacity broad-band cross fiber optic to be co-located within the Trans- Africa Railways Corridor. TRAVACO Fiber shall offer a High Speed Digital Infrastructure and complete redundancy, with links to Ocean-Fiber on the Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean. TRAVACO Fiber is designed to have a capacity of at least 10-Terabits per Second.

  1. Kagera Aerotropolis

The Kagera Aerotropolis (KAT) is a planned aviation -linked Special Economic Zone to be Master Planned on 50-Square Miles.

KAT is planned in Uganda to straddle the shores of Lake Victoria and the delta of the Kagera River.

KAT shall be Master Planned as a Smart City anchored by the following clusters and anchors:

  • Kagera International Solar Airport
  • Wholesale City and Digital Logistics Hub
  • Agro-Processing Centers
  • Health City
  • Entertainment and Sports City
  • Lakeside Resorts, Apartments and Hotels
  • KAT Metro
  1. Kassanda Gold City


The Kassanda Gold City (KAGOC) is planned to encompass an area of at least 315-square kilometers that includes active Artisanal Mining sites and proven gold resources.

Key anchors of KAGOC include:

  • Industrial Mining Center
  • A 6.1MTPA Gold Ore Gold Recovery (Carbon-in-Lecch) Plant
  • 100-MTPA Gold Refinery
  • KAGOC Airport and Business Center
  • A Gem and Jewelry Center
  • A Renewable Energy Park (40-MW, Phase-1)
  1. Africa Steel City (ASC)

Planned is an Integrated Iron Ore Mining, Processing and Refining Center. ASC is planned to produce at least 4-MMTPA.

  1. Agro-Forestry Centers

Planned is a 1-million hectares Agro-Forestry project in DRC and another 1-million hectare project in Mozambique. High Carbon-sequestering perennial trees shall be planted and inter-crops shall include pulses and cereals to meet local and regional food market needs and as well to create food-chain-linked Agro-processing Industries.